sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2015


En comparación con la tierra
This graphic presents a view of Pluto and Charon as they would appear if placed slightly above Earth's surface and viewed from a great distance. Recent measurements obtained by New Horizons indicate that Pluto has a diameter of 2370 km, 18.5% that of Earth's, while Charon has a diameter of 1208 km, 9.5% that of Earth's.

Instrumento Ralph New Horizons 'reveló evidencia de monóxido de carbono de hielo. Los contornos indican que la concentración de monóxido de carbono congelados aumenta hacia el centro del 'ojo de buey'.
NASA New Horizons probe show surface of pluto

Caronte. Una depresión con un pico en el medio, que se muestra en la esquina superior izquierda de la imagen insertada a la derecha. Tiene un fractura generalizada y una superficie rejuvenecida.
Pluto's largest moon Charon, left, with a captivating feature, a depression with a peak in the middle, shown in the upper left corner of the inset image at right.

Hielo de metano
A graphic showing the spectra obtained by the Ralph instrument on the New Horizons spacecraft revealing methane ice on the frozen surface of Pluto.

muestran patrones intrincados pero desconcertantes de las crestas de color gris azulado y material rojizo entre medio.
An extended colour image of Pluto taken by Nasa’s New Horizons spacecraft, rounded and bizarrely textured mountains, informally named the Tartarus Dorsa, rise up along Pluto’s day-night terminator and show intricate but puzzling patterns of blue-gray ridges and reddish material inbetween. This view, roughly 330 miles (530 kilometers) across, combines blue, red and infrared images taken by the Ralph/Multispectral Visual Imaging Camera (MVIC) on July 14, 2015, and resolves details and colours on scales as small as 0.8 miles (1.3 kilometers).

La información e imágenes fue tomada de

La siguiente imagen corresponde a una película de JAMES BOND

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